Vladimir Opara was born in Altai in the city of Barnaul on 30th of May 1952. In 1988 a personal exhibition in Novokuznetskij museum of fine arts and then an exhibition "100 paintings of Vladimir Opara" in Kemerovskaja local painting gallery take place. In 1990 the first personal exhibition in Moscow. This year Tretjakov gallery buys Vladimir's painting "Judas' Kiss". Vladimir with his wife Maya move to Moscow. In 1990 Vladimir participates in a grand exhibition "Washington - Moscow" in State Tretjakov gallery. In 1991 the exhibition was presented in Washington in Carnegie Library. In 1991 Vladimir creates an installation "Iron path" that occupied 900 square meters, Maria Valjaeva get Vladimir acquaintaned with artists Marlen Shpindler, Andrej Grositskij, Leonid Berlin, Adolf Goldman, Aleskej Kamenskij. The artists take part in the project "Iron Path". The relationships become a friendship. After "August Putsch" in 1991 Vladimir and Maya leave for United States of America, where a professor of painting Randolph Michiner organizes a series of exhibitions and lectures by Vladimir Opara. The exhibitions and interviews of Vladimir are shown on TV in Washington, state Colorado, "Friends in Arts" are being filmed and shown on cable TV. Vladimir and Maya has a real possibility to stay in USA, however, after a while Vladimir makes a decision to go back to Moscow. In 1992 Vladimir and Maya return in Moscow. Vladimir paints a series of paintings "Towers" and in 1993 shows them on the personal exhibition in the Central House of Artist. Tretjakov Gallery buys a painting "The construction of a Tower". In 1993 - 1994 Vladimir with a philosopher Leontij Zibajlov directs an art studio in the School of Modern Art "Independent Studios" and realizes a project "Gold and Ashes", "The Cleanse of Sand", "Claustrophobia". The series of photos "Claustrophobia" (9 photos 30 x 40 cm) and the series of photos "The Cleanse of Sand" (5 photos 30 x 40 cm) are in the collection of the State Tretjakov Gallery. Realized projects, where sand, clay, metal were used, led to the creation of a series of paintings "How Rain and Snow Come off the Sky" (Novosibirskij State Museum), "Green" (State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg), "Boy Carburetor and His Mom", "Very quite" and others. The surface of the paintings remind in its texture rusty metal, appearing through clay and sand. The paintings were shown in State Russian Museum on the exhibition "Abstraction in Russia. XX century" in 2001. On the exhibition the paintings of such russian artists working in the manner of abstractions were presented as Kandinskij, Malevich. A part of work from the series "The Wind from the East", "He on a Donkey Enters Jerusalem", "Sharm el-Sheikh" were created after trips to Tunis and Sinai Peninsula (2004 - 2005). Lately Vladimir works a lotwith paper. A series of flat and 3D paintings were created on paper "Boats and Locomotives". "Boats and Locomotives" were shown in Riga in 2009. Two compositions became a property of Latvian National Art Museum (Riga). In 2009 in Moscow in well-known exhibition holl on Kuznetskij Most street a retrospective exhibition of Vladimir's Opara "35 years of creative activity" takes place. In 2010 Vladimir (with Maya Opara) created a video installation "Deportation". The videoinstallation was dedicated all who were departed against their will as a result of military actions. In 2012 Vladimir and Maya show their big project E-Crucifix. The project included a series of paintings, video, performances and installations. In 2012 - 2014 Vladimir creates a series of paintings using his experience from trips to Europe: "Barka Cantiere", "Chiogga", "Venice", "Europe-2", "Western Berlin", "German Wagons". Since 2012 Vladimir and Maya Opara have lived and worked in Moscow and the Netherlands. Since 2015 Vladimir is a member of the PULCHRI STUDIO Artists Association (The Hague, Netherlands, www.pulchri.nl). From 2015 to 2019 he participated in 18 exhibitions in the Netherlands, 5 of them are personal exhibition projects. Currently working on the exhibition project COMPUTER WOMEN COMPUTER MAN (with Maya Opara). Information source: opara.pro/vladimir-opara